HOW A MAN FELL FROM THE SPACE? Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin Chris Hadfield we all know these heroes of space exploration but like anything space exploration has its own forgotten unsung heroes and the best example of this is one fl adam a Komarov from the soviet union the year was 1967in the soviet union it was approaching the 50th anniversary of the Union and the government demanded something big from their space program the Soviet space program was trying to battle NASA when it came to the Cold War but because of the country's 50th anniversary the government wanted them to do something special the then leader Brezhnev decided he wanted to have two Soviet spacecraft rendezvous in space he wanted these two Soviet space vehicles to launch into outer space they would then dock together and allow the cosmonauts to move between ships this mission would be known as Sawyer'sthe first ship would be known as so yes one in the second so yes - it was decided that Vladimir Komarov a cos...
10 FORBIDDEN PLACES ON THE EARTH? The world is your oyster and you can travel pretty much anywhere right well not exactly there are some forbidden places on earth which you cannot go to if you did travel into any of these places you would put your freedom health and even life at risk so let's take a look at these amazing yet scary places I dare you to visit doomsday vault Norway when we think of a doomsday world we imagine politicians and billionaires hiding out after a nuclear blast but there's no living people allowed in the Svalbard global seed vault if there was ever a nuclear explosion on earth then many seeds would be wiped out this could mean that certain plants and foods would never grow again causing massive issues. That's why in 2008 the global seed vault was officially opened it's said to be one of the most guarded and secure places on earth inside is over four hundred thousand types of seeds ninety thousand of which are food crops the reason why it's ...