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 3.5 billion questions are asked onGoogle every single day but I'll wager there's some things you've always wondered about but never googled for example why can't a robot simply press the I'm not a robot button why exactly do we get goosebumps and brain freezes and why do maple syrup bottles have those tiny handles today we're going to look at some interesting facts you're too lazy to google.

why can't a robot press I'm not a robot-

 Nowadays we pretty much realized that computers and AI are smarter than human beings they're even better at things like sports and chess than us so what stops a super-smart AI computer from pressing V I'm not a robot button you'll see this on every single ReCaptcha system these are to prevent people using robots and automating making accounts or spam websites the reCAPTCHA system is programmed by Google and it records everything you do on the page and makes sure you're a human this includes accidentally pressing your mouse or something else that humans would do in robots wouldn't while a robot would simply move the cursor in a straight line to the box humans usually move their cursor around a lot more it's almost impossible for a robot to replicate exactly how human does this

but if you move the mouse in a really straight line before clicking the box it may think you're a robot and reject the request why do we dislike the voice and recordings we've all been there we've heard our voice in a recording and cringe hey I do it every day when I record these videos we think we sound way better in our heads but we don't like how we sound on recordings but why is that well the answer is all in our bones we only hear the sounds conducted by air but recording only contains some sounds the way we hear our voice is a combination of regular sounds and the low frequency sounds conducted by the bones in our skulls so that's why we don't recognize our voice and recordings but which one is really the one we hear when speaking or the one in recordings well, unfortunately, everyone else hears the one in recordings

 but don't worry it only sounds bad to you because you're not used to it why do we close our eyes when eating sour foods imagine biting into a lemon or a sour warhead candy we always close our eyes when doing this but why well it's actually a natural reaction we've got thanks to evolution from our ancestors to think of the first people in history to discover lemons they had no idea what they were when they bit into them their taste buds recognized mucous membranes this thing caused their eyes to close to prevents our lemon juice getting into them that's because sour acidic foods like lemons can't damage mucous membranes so really it's simply a reflex to prevent the sour lemon juice going into your eye this way even happen

 if you're eating something which can't go into your eye, for example, a sour warhead candy but it's a pretty handy reflex and we have to thank our ancestors for that goosebumps have you ever been listening to a great song got goosebumps maybe you've also got them in an emotional situation well maybe you were simply in cold weather these are all situations where we get goosebumps but why do they happen well they're actually ancient phenomena that we got from animals goosebumps to come from the constrictions of our hair follicles animals also get goosebumps

 and it helps them warm up faster also in the case for threat their hair standing on end makes them look bigger and scarier in front of an enemy in humans and in animals this is caused by a subconscious adrenaline hormone emission this is basically a sudden burst of adrenaline we get from a scary or emotional situation and also when we're cold and want to warm up of course unlike animals we don't have hair all over our bodies that's why goosebumps are pretty pointless for humans but we still have them from an animals brain freeze when we get a bit too excited about ice cream eat too much at once we get brain freeze 

but why is it we get this terrible headache from drinking cold water or eating cold food this can also happen when you're jogging in the cold and breathing cool air well it's connected with our pallet vessels constrictions this is basically our reaction to low temperatures when something cold hits the roof of your mouth it triggers your terminal nerve it realizes you're getting cold in that one spot so it sends a rush of blood to the roof of your mouth and in the process, this causes us some pain in our head so basically it's your body reacting to you suddenly being cold in one area it freaks out and pumps a load onto that area so you can warm up again this is why if you get brain freeze you should put your tongue on the roof of your mouth this will cause your mouth to be less cool and

 thus less blood will rush towards it causing you less pain looking better in the mirror than in photos we've all been there we see ourselves in the mirror and we look great but then as soon as we pull out our phone to take a selfie we look terrible so why is it that we look so much better in the mirror thumb in photos first of the mirror is a reflection of us it's not how we actually look we're used to seeing ourselves flipped in the mirror so photos don't really look right also most human faces are not symmetrical one aryl one eye may be slightly bigger than the other or we may have certain imperfections or markings on our face some people also part their hair on one side in the mirror but then a photo flips it making it look strange your friends and family will like your photo

 because they won't realize anything's wrong with you that's because it's how you appear to them every day it simply boils down to your expectations of how you think you look but if you really don't like your selfies you could always flip them in editing software soda bottle bumps why is it that water bottles are usually flat on the surface but soda bottles always have those bumps the five-pointed bottom it's not a way to make the bottle look fancier or to make them put less liquid inside it instead it's all about stability in the bottle not falling over drinks like sodas are meant to be served chilled 

and when you cool a liquid this will change the volume that's because these drinks are carbonated we all know that if you freeze or chill liquid it expands this is why if you leave an empty soda bottle out in the Sun it will shrivel up but not fall over that's because the five bumps give it grip and make sure it never falls over why does our skin darken and hair lighten in the Sun when we go out in the Sun and we always look a lot better that's because it darkens your skin and makes our hair lighter but why would it darken one part of our body and make another part more light well it's all down to something called melanin 

the Sun breaks melanin which is responsible for the colour of your hair and skin the only difference is skin is living while hair is nerves when the pigment is broken it's not replenished in the hair in theSun melanin in your hair is not replenished making it lighter birth because your skin's alive melanin is produced in the Sun this makes it darker this is why some people wear UV sunscreen ultraviolet sunscreen protects the melanin in your skin this makes your pigment more strong and means melanin won't be produced as quickly but at the same time you also won't be a Suntanned or burnt maple syrup handles have you ever had a real bottle of maple syrup from Canada 

if so you'll notice one very distinct design feature in every single bottle of maple syrup that is that tiny little handle you may say obviously that's for pouring but realistically you could only get your pinky finger into this thing it's so tiny this handle is not for pouring instead it dates back from when maple syrup used to be packaged in a five-gallon jug they don't make these big bottles anymore instead they're much smaller but they still wanted the classic handle so they simply made the handle smaller too it makes it seem more oldy worldly and classic maple syrup is a big deal in Canada and they did not want to break tradition so that's why we have those cute tiny handles on maple syrup bottles. 


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